Oct 08 Views (1528)

The Siege Returns in Neverwinter

The Cult of the Dragon has amassed their forces once more to lay siege to the city of Neverwinter. The siege will begin on Thursday, October 6 at 7:30AM PT (or after maintenance) and ends on Thursday, October 20 at 7:30AM PT (the event vendor will remain for a few days afterwards).


There is much to be done before the siege, including Cult invasion, counter attack (sometimes the best defense is a good offense) and dragon attck. 


With this Siege of Neverwinter event will come the chance to obtain Dragon Hoard Coins, Dragon Hoard Coffers, as well as other items used in the Tyranny of Dragons campaign. All of these items will aid you in your quest to defeat the Cult of the Dragon once and for all and help prevent them from unleashing Tiamat! The events are Writ of Commendations, Dragon Cult Insignia, Medal of Heroism and Neverwintan Defender's Pack. 


Once you've done these events, you will gain 4 kinds of events rewards:


  • Neverwinter Champion's Charger: A powerful and fearless warhorse, this trusty charger served well during the Siege of Neverwinter.
  • Dragon Hoard Coins:  A currency used in the Tyranny of Dragons campaign. This can be used in fulfilling campaign tasks and contributing to the Tiamat Hoard reclamation effort.
  • Dragon Hoard Coffers: Another currency used in the Tyranny of Dragons campaign. This can also be used in fulfilling campaign tasks and contributing to the Tiamat Hoard reclamation effort.
  • Quartermaster Enchantment: This utility enchantment causes enemies to occasionally drop a bag of salvage.


The Siege updates since the last one, showing in four aspects:


1. Medals of Heroism now go to the Wealth bag instead of the inventory.

2. Quartermaster's Enchantments now give information about what they can potentially drop.

3. Stronghold Vouchers will drop a little less frequently in this event (There should still be plenty).

4. The Champion's Banner artifact now properly has secondary and tertiary stats as appropriate for a given rank and quality.


Be carefue of that and be prepared. Need ADs, Zen or items? Clich neverwinter-diamonds.com to buy and see more news about Neverwinter.