Nov 30 Views (2341)

Neverwinter: Is Storm King's Thunder Worth It

The new expansion of Neverwinter Storm King's Thunder has been released for a long time. But it seems that game players don't like to play this mod 10. So this page take you to see some people's ideas.


neverwinter SKT


Relic hunting/maintaining might not be for everyone, its time consuming to farm HE's and new dungeon, we cant even tell if you would 100% get a piece of relic armor at the end chest. Gettting all the boons should be something you aim for at least.


Relic armor will end up at ilvl160 on mod10.5, you could skip it and wait for mod11(4-5months maybe) new armor sets if its too much of a hassle for you.


"The boots (2 different ones) from from the Heroic Encounters in Bryn Shander, having got both pairs plus spares in the first few days and empowering one pair I can honestly say for myself, I will not be bothering with any of the relic gear other than those boots which I will equip to get into the dungeon then remove, Its just too much grinding to be empowring them with 4000 voninblood from 0% to 100%, that on 4 peices, no thnx, plus none of it has armour pen which is annoying."


As for the armour that should be something you decide whether you are willing to maintain it or not.


"In all honesty make the campaigns which require daily progression your priority, I did dread ring in 1 day as genie gifts work well there same with some other areas, icewind dale/bryn shander/maze engine require daily reputation/tasks which can not be obtained any other way."


Of course, what you should do is to go try it yourself and see, you have the right to decide when you play the SKT. 


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